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links for 2006-03-06
Change Me Change Me is an open conversation that brings people together to share ideas through powerful imagery. Find an image that inspires you and use it to express an idea that has the ability to touch or affect the person viewing it. (tags: graphic_designcause_marketingword_of_mouthsocial_change)
Sand Sicaf - Google Video Amazing sand art projected onto a screen as it is created... a medium you may have never seen before. (tags: graphic_designpersonal_favorite)
Seat Belt Education (1985 - Present) Ad Council Retrospective (tags: sample_campaignsadvertising)
TVE Asia Pacific (TVEAP): Moving images moving people An online meeting place for film makers, broadcasters, educators, and activists to share information and experiences on using the media to promote sustainable development and social justice. (tags: mediasocial_changeenvironment)
The Cause Marketing Resource Center - Cause Marketing Forum Cause Marketing Forum (tags: cause_marketing)
Spread the Know Graffiti-based campaign to increase HIV status awareness - seems to be part of CBS/Viacom's kNOw HIV/AIDS campaign (tags: HIV_AIDSsample_campaignsonline_marketing)
Safer Neighborhoods Are Fitter Neighborhoods - Yahoo! News An example of the importance of taking environmental factors into account when designing social marketing programs (tags: obesitystrategyplace)
Homeless man blogs about his experience A powerful way to put a human face on a social issue (tags: blogging)
NBC: In AIDS fight, India pitches manliness the “What Kind of Man Are You?” campaign (tags: HIV_AIDScampaign_effectssample_campaignssocial_marketinginternationaladvertising)
Dove Calming Night - Nighttime Classics Featuring Felicity Huffman ::.. This is a fun concept - Felicity Huffman is transported into 3 classic sitcoms: the Brady Bunch, the Munsters and Leave it to Beaver. Also, the very specific positioning of the product and cobranding with the National Sleep Foundation is interesting. (tags: advertisingonline_marketingsample_campaignsmarketingword_of_mouth)
Adverblog: More public toilets in NYC! a guerilla marketing campaign using cardboard figures making the point about the need for public toilets (tags: marketingsample_campaigns)
Selling A Cause? Better Make It Pop Article from Business Week (tags: marketingnonprofit)