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links for 2006-08-22
Social Media: Blogs, COGs, Wikis and Social Marketing (pdf) A presentation by Craig Lefebvre at the Social Marketing in Public Health conference that serves as a great introduction to using social media in a social marketing program. (tags: social_networktechnologybloggingonline_marketing)
Social Marketing for Public Health Conference 2006 - Highlights Presentations on various social marketing topics from the SMPH conference. (tags: conferencesocial_marketing)
Captology Notebook: SIMpill SIMpill is a medication compliance technology in the form of a sms enabled pill bottle that sends text messages to a central server to remind people that they need to take their medication and provide feedback if the medication timeframe is missed. (tags: technologybehavior_changemobile)
Harris Interactive: Number of Cyberchondriacs Increases Polling firm Harris Interactive has released the latest edition of an ongoing poll measuring the number of people who turn to the Internet for healthcare-related information. Analysis by Fard Johnmar of HealthCareVox. (tags: online_marketingresearchhealth_communication)