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links for 2006-08-10
Now Hear This The nine laws of successful advocacy communications from Fenton Communications (tags: media_advocacyhow_tomedia)
Over Here: 10 Tips on Getting US Media Coverage on Global Issues (pdf) Getting U.S. media coverage of international issues has its challenges, but it's not impossible. This guide offers these 10 tips to help you cross the divide between events over there to the news over here. From Fenton Communications. (tags: internationalmediapublic_relations)
A Room With a Viewpoint: How to Create an Online Press Center (pdf) Making your Web site reporter-friendly is a relatively simple affair. This guide from Fenton Communications offers best practices for effective online press rooms. (tags: public_relationsmediaonline_marketing)
Beth Kanter's Guide to Web 2.0 A "Cliff's Notes" introduction to things like blogging, RSS, tagging, podcasts, wikis and more. (tags: technologyhow_tosocial_networkblogging)