post title
links for 2006-07-20
VERB Campaign - Research A wealth of research findings on effective messages and approaches to increasing physical activity among youth. (tags: sample_campaignsresearchyouthobesity)
Communication for Social Change Consortium (CFSC Consortium) Publications and resources about using communication for social change in development programs (tags: health_communicationsocial_changeinternational)
MediaRights: Media that Matters MediaRights is a community organization dedicated to maximizing the impact of social-issue documentaries and shorts. They help adult and youth filmmakers reach audiences, educators and librarians bring films into their curricula and nonprofits and activis (tags: entertainment_educationmediayouth)
Putting your computer to work to fight against malaria in Africa CERN wants to borrow your computer to run simulations with - from (tags: technologyinternationalpartnershipsresearch)