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links for 2007-01-09
Support Your Favorite Heart Health Nonprofit! Sell items on eBay (regift your unwanted holiday presents?) and raise money for heart health through MIssionFish. (tags: nonprofitonline_marketing)
HIV ads to be scrutinized in 2007 The San Francisco Dept of Public Health is considering how to proceed with their HIV/AIDS social marketing efforts. Critics have called for a two-year moratorium on such ads. (tags: HIV_AIDScampaign_effectsadvertising)
Doctors give health advice via YouTube Doctors in rural Wales are using YouTube to give health advice to patients. (via Micro Persuasion) (tags: health_communicationsocial_media)
Improving Public Health for the Poor — HBS Working Knowledge On using the microfinance model to improve health care options for the poor (thanks to Mike Newton-Ward for the link) (tags: policysocial_changeinternational)
Reading diet articles could be unhealthy - Yahoo! News Teenage girls who frequently read magazine articles about dieting were more likely five years later to practice extreme weight-loss measures such as vomiting than girls who never read such articles. (tags: mediaobesity)
Top 5-Bottom 5 Cause-Related Marketing Campaigns Best and worst of cause marketing in 2006 according to Paul Jones of the Cause-Related Marketing blog (tags: cause_marketingsample_campaigns)