Speaking Events

Need an engaging, dynamic speaker to talk about how to create social impact? I've presented at more than 100 conferences, meetings, webinars and classes and always gets high marks from participants. With 30 years of experience in social marketing, and expertise in social media and transmedia storytelling, I provide original and practical advice on how to put insights into practice.
Whether as a keynote speaker, panel participant or workshop leader, I customize my presentation to the topic and audience.
I've given keynotes at events such as the International Social Marketing Conference, US Air Force, the American Academy of Health Behavior, the Biennial Childhood Obesity Conference, the Midwest Injury Prevention Alliance, Alaska SafeKids, Roche Mexico and many more.
Presentation Topics Have Included...
Change for Good: Using Social Marketing to Make a Difference
Social Media for Behavior Change
Can Transmedia Storytelling Save the World?
Avoiding Unintended Consequences when Communicating About Suicide and Mental Health
Supply, Demand...and Taliban: Case Study of a Social Marketing Campaign in Afghanistan
Immersive Engagement: Transmedia Storytelling for Marketers
Building a Movement Through Social Media
Social Marketing for Refugee Protection
Social Marketing as an Approach to Prevent Military Sexual Assault
Public-Private Partnerships for Health Behavior Change