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Nedra Weinreich
May 31, 2007
Harnessing Nostalgia
A couple of times today I felt that brief wave of sadness and longing in the pit of my stomach that signals a nostalgic episode....

Nedra Weinreich
May 29, 2007
The Tip Jar - 5/28/07
For this Memorial Day edition of the Tip Jar, let's pause for a moment to remember the soldiers who have given their lives so that we may...
Nedra Weinreich
May 25, 2007
We've all had the flu. It hits us, knocks us out for a few days, maybe even a week. Then it goes away and we get on with our lives. But...
Nedra Weinreich
May 22, 2007
The Best Intentions
More examples of unintended consequences from good intentions... Forbes editor Rich Karlgaard writes about the ripple effect caused by...

Nedra Weinreich
May 18, 2007
The Tip Jar - 5/18/07
Everyone wants their cause marketing campaign to go viral. You put all the pieces into place -- a compelling cause, easy call to action...

Nedra Weinreich
May 17, 2007
When countries engage in cyberwarfare , as Russia is accused of doing against Estonia, and terrorists are on trial for using the internet...

Nedra Weinreich
May 16, 2007
Beyond Words
Have you ever seen a picture that gives you the chills? Makes you feel like someone kicked you in the stomach? Have you ever had to avert...

Nedra Weinreich
May 16, 2007
Whither Social Marketing?
Periodically, existential questions about the field of social marketing crop up on the Social Marketing Listserv . Are we more about...
Nedra Weinreich
May 14, 2007
The Tip Jar - 5/13/07
Welcome to the Mother's Day edition of the Tip Jar. I was awoken at 6:20 this morning by my sweet and well-meaning son bringing me a bowl...

Nedra Weinreich
May 8, 2007
Jack in the Box Snubs Corporate Responsibility
For those of you who have been following my ongoing concern that Jack in the Box continues to promote itself as the stoners' drive-thru...
Nedra Weinreich
May 2, 2007
Healthcare Blogging Summit Recap
Speaking of social media, the Healthcare Blogging Summit was a lot of fun and I learned quite a bit at the same time. My notes are not...
Nedra Weinreich
May 2, 2007
Guerrilla Marketing Interview
One of the first marketing books I ever bought was the Guerrilla Marketing Handbook , by Jay Levinson and Seth Godin. One of the first...
(Note: Please excuse the formatting, as many of these posts are old and cannot be reformatted, but are still available because much of the content is useful.)
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