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Nedra Weinreich
Sep 20, 2007
Passing Off the Costs?
Sony, the Ad Council and the National Crime Prevention Council are running a contest to create a television PSA on the awareness and...

Nedra Weinreich
Sep 19, 2007
The Tip Jar - 9/18/07
On this lovely (almost) fall day and my 13th wedding anniversary (hooray!), here are the latest tips from the world of social...

Nedra Weinreich
Sep 18, 2007
Reaching Bloggers
Even blogs with a relatively small readership like mine have become the new holy grail of marketers because of the fact that the audience...
Nedra Weinreich
Sep 11, 2007
Snapshot of 9/11
I didn't intend to dwell on 9/11 long enough to let the tears form. I was just planning on writing a few words and linking to last year's...

Nedra Weinreich
Sep 10, 2007
The Tip Jar - 9/9/07
Bear-ly enough room for all the tips this week... Amazon is again using its Mechanical Turk technology for a search and rescue...
Nedra Weinreich
Sep 6, 2007
Why Web 2.0 Matters to Social Marketers
Recently on the Social Marketing listserv , we've had an interesting discussion of Facebook and other social networking sites. Brian...
Nedra Weinreich
Sep 5, 2007
China's Olympic Rings or Olympic Handcuffs?
When Beijing was selected as the venue for the 2008 Olympics , my esteem for the institution went way down. What should the Olympics...

Nedra Weinreich
Sep 3, 2007
The Tip Jar - 9/2/07
Workin' for tips on this Labor Day weekend... If you live in the UK and don't have enough people telling you what to do, you can sign up...
(Note: Please excuse the formatting, as many of these posts are old and cannot be reformatted, but are still available because much of the content is useful.)
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