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Nedra Weinreich
Nov 30, 2007
Charity Television
Imagine my surprise as I followed a link from my ego feed and found that my blog is featured on a "TV show." The International Charity...

Nedra Weinreich
Nov 27, 2007
The Tip Jar - 11/26/07
After about 2 months of not posting a Tip Jar roundup (less blogging=more sleep, which I've decided is healthier than less sleep), I've...
Nedra Weinreich
Nov 22, 2007
Here in the United States, we are about to celebrate Thanksgiving -- one of my very favorite holidays, with all of our family traditions...

Nedra Weinreich
Nov 13, 2007
A Blog Post You Can't Refuse
No, I haven't been on strike in solidarity with the Writers Guild. I've been in Sicily undercover to try to learn more after police...

Nedra Weinreich
Nov 7, 2007
Looks Like We Made It! (Entertainment Education Safe Once Again)
My Washington correspondent reports that on Monday evening, the final conference report of the Labor-HHS bill was filed. She said: I've...

Nedra Weinreich
Nov 5, 2007
Writers' Block: The WGA on Strike
Outside of LA or New York, the writers' strike that starts today is unlikely to affect you much (at least until the studios run out of...
(Note: Please excuse the formatting, as many of these posts are old and cannot be reformatted, but are still available because much of the content is useful.)
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