In this everchanging world in which we live in...*
File this one under "Jobs we could never have envisioned two years ago": An organization called Global Kids, Inc. in New York is looking for aSecond Life Special Trainer:
Steve Rubel called this "virtual marketing," which seems a pretty good name for these kinds of efforts in Second Life (which I've written about before). I suspect that in the next generation of teens, when the technology improves a little more, teens' lives (and perhaps ours as well) will move in and out from actual to virtual worlds and back seamlessly. I predict that this will become a huge marketing venue and that instead of websites that people look at in the "real world," we will each have a chunk of virtual property from which to hawk our products/ideas, interacting within the virtual world as if we were actually there.
Oh, and maybe we'll have flying cars too.
*Bonus points to whoever gets the reference and knows that I am not just a poor grammatician!