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Social Networking for Health in the Journal

I'm coming out of hibernation to say congratulations to my friends John Anderton and Dmitriy Kruglyak, who were featured in an article in today's Wall Street Journal called "Social Networking Comes to Health Care" (WSJ online subscriber access only)Nonprofit=">Nonprofit" Blog="Blog" Exchange="Exchange</a>">. John made an appearance in the form of his Second Life avatar Hygeia Philo's picture on the front of the Personal Journal section, and the article highlighted CDC's work in SL (though unfortunately not mentioning John by name). Dmitriy's Medical Blog Network was highlighted, as well as getting a mention of the Healthcare Blogging Summit he organized and his upcoming social networking venture Trusted.MD. Be sure to keep an eye out for info on the next Healthcare Blogging Summit, slated for April 30, 2007 in Las Vegas. The article also featured other health organizations using social networking like, the American Cancer Society and the Wellness Community. Technorati Tags: wsj, wall street journal, social networking, health

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