Osocio Arrives!
Just in time for Hanukkah and as an early Xmas present to us social marketers, Dutch blogger Marc van Gurp has unveiled the successor to his earlier blog Houtlust, which had become the go-to site for nonprofit advertising campaigns from around the world. After a 5-month hiatus, the new website Osocio is online and off to a running start. Osocio takes the best of what made Houtlust such a great resource -- daily examples of advertising from international social marketing and other nonprofit campaigns -- and adds a number of other features that make it the online hub for anything and everything social advertising. Marc has added profiles of nonprofit organizations, a list of relevant workshops and events, a dictionary of terms, news and feeds from other blogs (thanks for including mine, Marc!), and free banner space for nonprofits on the sidebar. Several other bloggers are contributing posts besides Marc, including Virtualpolitik's Liz Losh and Another Limited Rebellion's Noah Scalin (I am not familiar with the others, but look forward to reading their contributions and international perspectives). Marc's recent Facebook group protest against Facebook's use of the term "Social Ads" reminded me of my constant battle to retain clarity around the use of the term "social marketing." I recently wrote about why naming is important for these fields as a guest blogger on the Influential Marketing Blog, while Rohit Bhargava was off becoming a daddy again. Am I the only one who has the song Sussudio in their head now? O-so-so-socio! (Will you ever forgive me?)